Black Sex Link (Chick/Female/Pullet)

  • Sale
  • Regular price $6.95

The Black Sex Link is a top egg production variety. 

This breed is one of the most hardy and productive birds we offer. 

The hens lay good-sized eggs that have strong shell quality. 

They are very similar to an ISA Brown or NOVOgen.

At 20 weeks of age, their first 76 weeks of laying, with proper care, they produce 20% more eggs and eat 30% less feed than a normal large breed hen. They are excellent at free-ranging  and are gentle and easy to work with.

They have smaller bodies and are not a meat or dual-purpose bird.

Egg Color  Brown
Weeks to Lay  20
Eggs/Year  320
Egg Size  Large
Docile  Yes
Cold Hardy  Very
Comb  Single
Eggs or Meat  Eggs
Breed True  No
Hybrid  Yes
Heritage  No


Minimum quantities:

1 chick - for pickup only in Anchorage, Eagle River, Mat-Su.

10 chicks - for shipping to all other areas. Additional shipping charges will apply.