Cream Legbar (Chick/Female/Pullet)

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  • Regular price $9.95

About 10% of the Polaris Farm layer flock are Cream Legbar/Color Pack Layers. They contribute the green and blue eggs to our egg packs.

The Cream Legbar is very similar to the Color Pack Layer that we previously carried.

The Cream Legbar is a cross of several breed lines, which will yield 280+ predominantly blue and green, colored eggs per year.

They are very predator-aware and are usually the first to spot trouble and sound the alarm. This is a must-have bird if you have a free-range flock in Alaska.

Most pullet chicks are brown with dark stripes, but some may also be red with yellow mottling, or even, lighter brown, almost buff, and occasionally, solid yellow. 

The Cream Legbar will develop a crest of feathers on the top of their head.

Even though this may sound like an Easter Egger type cross, this bird is not related in any way to the Americana, or Araucana lines.

Egg Color  Blue/Green
Weeks to Lay  24
Eggs/Year  280
Egg Size  Large
Docile  No
Cold Hardy  Very
Comb  Pea
Eggs or Meat  Eggs
Breed True  Yes
Hybrid  Yes
Heritage  No


Minimum quantities:

1 chick - for pickup only in Anchorage, Eagle River, Mat-Su.

10 chicks - for shipping to all other areas. Additional shipping charges will apply.